Sweet Treats Bakery

Welcome you've made it to the About page!


Coming from a little town, we are all about community and helping out! We help with the food drive we have once a year and donate to many sports team to sweeten them up before or after their games! We pride ourselves on giving back to the community, since they were so much help when we first opened up! By this we intend to treat every customer the same and help with everything that is needed!

Secrets to our sweets:

The secrets to our sweets come from a long line of family bakers! We pride ourselves with using what our ancestors had created and putting a bit of our own spin on it. Another secret of ours is that we only use fresh crops from which we grow ourselves! Strawberries, apples and whatever else you can think of! The fresher the better!!


Over the time we have opened up our little bakery we have entered many small baking competitions! One contest we had entered and won was the one in our very own town. It was called "The Mighty Bake Off" and our delicious strawberry cake had won it for us!


Everyone get excited, because Sweet Treats Bakery is looking to move to other towns! We have planned to expand our business to other locations. Some of those locations will include: Cincinnati Ohio, Dayton Ohio, Muncie Indiana, and downtown Indianapolis!